
to be an artist

Born in the Congo, I graduated from the High School of the CAD in Brussels in interior design and from 'sculpture section' at the Academy of Arts in Brussels. Currently, I am training in 'textile section' at the Academy of Arts of WSP in Brussels. Today, I mainly work as an artist in Laeken. I have been able to develop my talents and acquire new techniques by attending various artist workshops and in particular the Ateliers Malou.

A life of travel

I spent the first fifteen years of my life in Africa. I discovered a natural aptitude for drawing and experimented different techniques. My first work was enhanced with pencil, gouache and ink. Then, I embarked on the figurative watercolour, inspired by the landscapes I met.

When I discovered the power of abstraction, I immersed myself in oil and acrylic, using materials and in particular the glazing technique. This technique gives depth to the works, allowing me to master the colour and the various harmonies, using bright colours, creating nuances and subtleties of colours quite surprising. I am called an excellent colorist.

Artist's journey

Deeply shocked by the tragedy of 9.11.2001 and especially the collapse of the Twin Towers, I began a huge historical research work on the City of New York to discover how it was a hundred years ago. For five great years, I worked on this city, collecting books, pictures, the press ... Everything I could find about it until 1900. This immersion was a new source of inspiration, which guided me towards a mixed work and allowed to recreate a new city, memory of the past.

I have been able to present and exhibit numerous montages at the AAF New York in 2012 and in China 10 2013. I regularly participate in exhibitions and artist’s fairs in Belgium and abroad.

Since then, I have taken over my spatulas, brushes and brushes, and works wire, porcelain or soda ash (especially on the WTC installation). I am constantly looking to project myself into new works. Marked by the Arte Povera, I reuse waste and packaging in my creations and work thus for the respect of the planet by recycling.

If I had to describe myself, I would define myself as a sensitive and "plural" artist, inspired by his travels abroad and the many problems of ecology.

Many of my works belong to private collections abroad.

I also invite you to discover my next art gallery exhibitions.

Contact me

Would you like to get more information about my art and my background? Do not hesitate to contact me by phone or via the online form. I most often work as an artist in my studio in Laeken, north of Brussels. 

Always open to discussions or new proposals, I will be happy to answer your questions. You can also share your opinion about a work of art in my guestbook.

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